Contact Us

Nikolaos P. Nikolaidis
(Lab Director)
Phone: +30-28210-37785
Fax: +30-28210-37847
E-mail: Nikolaos P. Nikolaidis

H.E.R.S. Lab,
Environmental Eng. Dept., 
Technical University of Crete, 
73100, Chania, Crete, Greece


Completed Projects

Funded Research in Greece

  1. EOX-DEDISA – Improving the Reclamation and Reuse of the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Wastes in Agricultural and Environmental Applications
    European Economic Space and Ministry of Economy (50-50%)
    Total 2,200,000 € - TUC Funding 260,000 €
  2. EOX-KKK – Innovation Centre of Crete
    European Economic Space and Ministry of Economy (50-50%)
    Total 1,800,000 € - Nikolaidis Funding 120,000 €
  3. WFD-Chania – Integrated Water Management Plan for Keritis and Koiliaris River Basins
    Region of Crete,
    Total funding 60,000 €
  4. DEYA-Chania
    11/2009 – 2/2010
    DEYAX 16,500 €
  5. HELLAS GOLD – Modeling of groundwater flow and geochemical transport of Mavres Petres and Mantem Lakkos Mines
    12/2008 – 6/2009
    Hellas Gold SA
    59,500 €
  6. CHROME – Sustainable management of water resources, Oropos Municipality – Study of the extent of hexavalent chromium contamination
    6/2008 – 12/2008
    Oropos Municipality
  7. AQUA – Sustainable management of water resources, Afantou Municipality, Rhodes
    7/2008- 4/2009
    DEYAA – Afantou
    35,700 €
  8. MIRAGE, Mediterranean Intermittent River Management,
    1/2008 -12/2011,
    EU– FP7 Project,
    226,812 €
  9. SoilCritZone– Soil sustainability in Europe as deduced from investigation of the Critical Zone,
    8/2007 – 7/2009,
    EU– FP6 Project SSA,
    133,800 €
  10. AquaTrain – Geogenic chemicals in groundwaters and soils: Research Training Network,
    1/2007 -12/2010,
    EU– Marie Curie Research Training Network (FP6 Project),
    193,490 €
  11. Environmental Friendly Technologies for Rural Development,
    12/1/05 – 30/4/09,
    E.U. – LIFE Environment,
    Total Funding 2,3 Million € - $362,000 (TUC).
  12. Water Resources CyberManagement of temporary Rivers,
    1/1/06 – 31/12/07,
    Υπουργείο Ανάπτυξης – ΓΓΕΤ (Συνεργασία με ΗΠΑ), $74,500
  13. tempPonds- Hydrogeochemistry of Mediterranean Temporary Ponds
    1/4/05 – 31/7/06
    LIFE-NATURE (Subcontract to NCMR), 30.000 €
  14. tempQsim, Temporal Waters Modeling,
    1/11/02 – 30/4/06,
    EU – 5th Framework, 107.000 €
  15. ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΤΟΣ – Αποκατάσταση υδάτων και ρυπασμένων εδαφών από αρσενικό με χρήση ρινισμάτων σιδήρου: Διερεύνηση διεργασιών.
    8/11/02 – 31/12/06
    Υπουργείο Παιδείας, 35.200 €
  16. Greek-Hungarian Collaboration on Arsenic Technologies,
    Υπουργείο Ανάπτυξης - ΓΓΕΤ, 9.000 €
  17. ΕΠΕΑΕΚ – Αναμόρφωση Προτυχιακού Προγράμματος Σπουδών ΜΗΠΕΡ
    1/4/02 – 31/12/05
    Υπουργείο Παιδείας, 305.400 € ΕΚΤ και 49.800 € ΕΤΠΑ
  18. EUROCAT, Development of DPSIR Framework of Analysis,
    1/1/2001- 31/12/2003,
    EU – 5th Framework, 140.000 € (With NCMR)
  19. JRC-ISPRA, Application of the Water Framework Directive ,
    1/1/2001 – 31/12/2002,
    EU – JRC-ISPRA, 78.000 € (With NCMR)
  20. Acheloos River Project,
    1/1/2000 – 31/12/2001
    Hellenic Ministry of Agriculture, 140.000 € (With NCMR)

Funded Research in USA

  1. Demonstration of the arsenic remediation technology in Bangladesh,
    6/1/00 - 5/31/05,
    National Institute of Health and Environmental Services (Columbia University),
  2. Environmental sampling and analysis at Sikorsky , Stratford, CT,
    6/15/98 -5/31/01,
    SIKORSKY, United Technologies Corporation,
  3. Characterization of arsenic contamination in the Winthrop Landfill and groundwater,
    9/1/98- 5/31/00,
    United Technologies Corporation,
  4. A portable method to determine chloride concentration on roadway pavement,
    9/1/98 – 8/31/00,
    New England Transportation Consortium,
    $212,739 (with N. Garrick)
  5. Contribution of copper-based architectural material to copper concentrations and toxicity in stormwater runoff,
    International Copper Association and Copper Development Association,
  6. Long-term pilot scale demonstration of the AsRT technology for in-situ remediation of arsenic contaminated groundwater,
    2/1/98 - 1/31/2000,
    United Technology Corporation,
  7. Hydraulic characterization of the groundwater aquifer at National Chromium, Inc.,
    6/1/97 - 5/31/99,
    Department of Energy (MIT),
  8. Development of a novel technology for in-situ immobilization of inorganic arsenic species using zero valence metals and dissolved inorganic chemicals,
    1/1/97 - 5/31/98,
    Critical Technologies Program, United Technologies Corporation, and APEX
    Environmental Inc.,
  9. Evaluation of the extent and mobility of arsenic at the vicinity of the Winthrop landfill,
    7/1/95 - 11/30/96,
    United Technologies Corporation,
    $45,000 (with R.J. Carley)
  10. Biosolids utilization evaluation program,
    8/1/94 - 7/31/95,
    Camp Dresser & McKee Inc.,
    $162,650, (with R.J. Carley).
  11. Measurement of environmental mobility of heavy metals in unsaturated soils,
    3/1/94 - 2/28/95,
    CT Department of Environmental Protection,
    $121,640, (with R.J. Carley).
  12. Measurement of environmental mobility of heavy metals in soils: Winthrop Landfill, Maine Case study,
    5/1/94 - 4/30/95,
    United Technologies Corporation,
    $50,000, (with R.J. Carley).
  13. Nonpoint source studies of nutrients in glaciated soils of Connecticut, Extension grant
    Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection,
    $61,887, (with J. Clausen)
  14. Development of treatment techniques for maximizing the recovery of nickel from metal finishing wastewaters,
    EPA's Pollution Prevention Research and Development Center,
    $17,000, (with S. Suib)
  15. Development of a framework for chemical speciation based water quality criteria for various heavy metals,
    U.S. Geological Survey,
  16. Effectiveness of wetlands in immobilizing chromium contamination,
    Industrial Affiliates Program, Environmental Research Institute,
  17. Nonpoint source studies of nutrients in glaciated soils of Connecticut,
    Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection,
    $131,163, (with J. Clausen and D.R. Miller)
  18. Groundwater transport studies of chromium contamination in glaciated soils in Connecticut,
    7/1/1991, 6/30/1994,
    Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection,
    $66,000, (with G. Robbins, and J. Fenton)
  19. Modeling the fate and transport of chromium in the unsaturated zone of Connecticut soils,
    Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection,
  20. Measurement of atmospheric dry deposition to Long Island Sound,
    Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection,
    $140,287 + $180,440 (two year extension 1992-1994)
  21. Study of northcentral Connecticut snowpack and associated meltwaters aquatic impacts,
    1/4/88 - 31/8/89
    Environmental Research Institute,
  22. Study of atmospheric deposition in the Broad Brook Experimental Watershed,
    1/4/88 - 31/8/89,
    Environmental Research Institute,
    $19,000 (with D. Miller and J.D. Lin)
  23. Evaluation of the ETD Freshwater Acidification Model,
    1/5/88 - 30/4/89,
    Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories,
  24. Assessment of freshwater acidification in the Sierra Nevada Range of California,
    1/8/87 - 31/5/89,
    California Air Resources Board,
    $100,000 (with J.L. Schnoor, and K.P. Georgakakos)