Completed Projects
Funded Research in Greece
- EOX-DEDISA – Improving the Reclamation and Reuse of the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Wastes in Agricultural and Environmental Applications
European Economic Space and Ministry of Economy (50-50%)
Total 2,200,000 € - TUC Funding 260,000 € - EOX-KKK – Innovation Centre of Crete
European Economic Space and Ministry of Economy (50-50%)
Total 1,800,000 € - Nikolaidis Funding 120,000 € - WFD-Chania – Integrated Water Management Plan for Keritis and Koiliaris River Basins
Region of Crete,
Total funding 60,000 € - DEYA-Chania
11/2009 – 2/2010
DEYAX 16,500 € - HELLAS GOLD – Modeling of groundwater flow and geochemical transport of Mavres Petres and Mantem Lakkos Mines
12/2008 – 6/2009
Hellas Gold SA
59,500 € - CHROME – Sustainable management of water resources, Oropos Municipality – Study of the extent of hexavalent chromium contamination
6/2008 – 12/2008
Oropos Municipality
33,300 - AQUA – Sustainable management of water resources, Afantou Municipality, Rhodes
7/2008- 4/2009
DEYAA – Afantou
35,700 € - MIRAGE, Mediterranean Intermittent River Management,
1/2008 -12/2011,
EU– FP7 Project,
226,812 € - SoilCritZone– Soil sustainability in Europe as deduced from investigation of the Critical Zone,
8/2007 – 7/2009,
EU– FP6 Project SSA,
133,800 € - AquaTrain – Geogenic chemicals in groundwaters and soils: Research Training Network,
1/2007 -12/2010,
EU– Marie Curie Research Training Network (FP6 Project),
193,490 € - Environmental Friendly Technologies for Rural Development,
12/1/05 – 30/4/09,
E.U. – LIFE Environment,
Total Funding 2,3 Million € - $362,000 (TUC). - Water Resources CyberManagement of temporary Rivers,
1/1/06 – 31/12/07,
Υπουργείο Ανάπτυξης – ΓΓΕΤ (Συνεργασία με ΗΠΑ), $74,500 - tempPonds- Hydrogeochemistry of Mediterranean Temporary Ponds
1/4/05 – 31/7/06
LIFE-NATURE (Subcontract to NCMR), 30.000 € - tempQsim, Temporal Waters Modeling,
1/11/02 – 30/4/06,
EU – 5th Framework, 107.000 € - ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΤΟΣ – Αποκατάσταση υδάτων και ρυπασμένων εδαφών από αρσενικό με χρήση ρινισμάτων σιδήρου: Διερεύνηση διεργασιών.
8/11/02 – 31/12/06
Υπουργείο Παιδείας, 35.200 € - Greek-Hungarian Collaboration on Arsenic Technologies,
Υπουργείο Ανάπτυξης - ΓΓΕΤ, 9.000 € - ΕΠΕΑΕΚ – Αναμόρφωση Προτυχιακού Προγράμματος Σπουδών ΜΗΠΕΡ
1/4/02 – 31/12/05
Υπουργείο Παιδείας, 305.400 € ΕΚΤ και 49.800 € ΕΤΠΑ - EUROCAT, Development of DPSIR Framework of Analysis,
1/1/2001- 31/12/2003,
EU – 5th Framework, 140.000 € (With NCMR) - JRC-ISPRA, Application of the Water Framework Directive ,
1/1/2001 – 31/12/2002,
EU – JRC-ISPRA, 78.000 € (With NCMR) - Acheloos River Project,
1/1/2000 – 31/12/2001
Hellenic Ministry of Agriculture, 140.000 € (With NCMR)
Funded Research in USA
- Demonstration of the arsenic remediation technology in Bangladesh,
6/1/00 - 5/31/05,
National Institute of Health and Environmental Services (Columbia University),
$150,000. - Environmental sampling and analysis at Sikorsky , Stratford, CT,
6/15/98 -5/31/01,
SIKORSKY, United Technologies Corporation,
$281,145 - Characterization of arsenic contamination in the Winthrop Landfill and groundwater,
9/1/98- 5/31/00,
United Technologies Corporation,
$67,000 - A portable method to determine chloride concentration on roadway pavement,
9/1/98 – 8/31/00,
New England Transportation Consortium,
$212,739 (with N. Garrick) - Contribution of copper-based architectural material to copper concentrations and toxicity in stormwater runoff,
International Copper Association and Copper Development Association,
$319,213 - Long-term pilot scale demonstration of the AsRT technology for in-situ remediation of arsenic contaminated groundwater,
2/1/98 - 1/31/2000,
United Technology Corporation,
$45,000 - Hydraulic characterization of the groundwater aquifer at National Chromium, Inc.,
6/1/97 - 5/31/99,
Department of Energy (MIT),
$68,000 - Development of a novel technology for in-situ immobilization of inorganic arsenic species using zero valence metals and dissolved inorganic chemicals,
1/1/97 - 5/31/98,
Critical Technologies Program, United Technologies Corporation, and APEX
Environmental Inc.,
$125,800 - Evaluation of the extent and mobility of arsenic at the vicinity of the Winthrop landfill,
7/1/95 - 11/30/96,
United Technologies Corporation,
$45,000 (with R.J. Carley) - Biosolids utilization evaluation program,
8/1/94 - 7/31/95,
Camp Dresser & McKee Inc.,
$162,650, (with R.J. Carley). - Measurement of environmental mobility of heavy metals in unsaturated soils,
3/1/94 - 2/28/95,
CT Department of Environmental Protection,
$121,640, (with R.J. Carley). - Measurement of environmental mobility of heavy metals in soils: Winthrop Landfill, Maine Case study,
5/1/94 - 4/30/95,
United Technologies Corporation,
$50,000, (with R.J. Carley). - Nonpoint source studies of nutrients in glaciated soils of Connecticut, Extension grant
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection,
$61,887, (with J. Clausen) - Development of treatment techniques for maximizing the recovery of nickel from metal finishing wastewaters,
EPA's Pollution Prevention Research and Development Center,
$17,000, (with S. Suib) - Development of a framework for chemical speciation based water quality criteria for various heavy metals,
U.S. Geological Survey,
$20,025 - Effectiveness of wetlands in immobilizing chromium contamination,
Industrial Affiliates Program, Environmental Research Institute,
$18,000 - Nonpoint source studies of nutrients in glaciated soils of Connecticut,
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection,
$131,163, (with J. Clausen and D.R. Miller) - Groundwater transport studies of chromium contamination in glaciated soils in Connecticut,
7/1/1991, 6/30/1994,
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection,
$66,000, (with G. Robbins, and J. Fenton) - Modeling the fate and transport of chromium in the unsaturated zone of Connecticut soils,
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection,
$18,861 - Measurement of atmospheric dry deposition to Long Island Sound,
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection,
$140,287 + $180,440 (two year extension 1992-1994) - Study of northcentral Connecticut snowpack and associated meltwaters aquatic impacts,
1/4/88 - 31/8/89
Environmental Research Institute,
$17,400 - Study of atmospheric deposition in the Broad Brook Experimental Watershed,
1/4/88 - 31/8/89,
Environmental Research Institute,
$19,000 (with D. Miller and J.D. Lin) - Evaluation of the ETD Freshwater Acidification Model,
1/5/88 - 30/4/89,
Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories,
$10,000 - Assessment of freshwater acidification in the Sierra Nevada Range of California,
1/8/87 - 31/5/89,
California Air Resources Board,
$100,000 (with J.L. Schnoor, and K.P. Georgakakos)